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The Gold Bonnet Group

The Gold Bonnet Group

The club was established in 1982 by Helene Wendner and five other local women, in now has eleven members.

All the bonnets are the worker of Mrs. Wendner

A gold bonnet was once described as being “as valuable as   a good plough horse”. It takes at least 300 hours of work to finish a bonnet and they can cost up to €2,000. They are decorated   with 14 carat gold leaf and stitched with gold thread. Ladies who are not so wealthy   make bonnets from black pearls, these bonnets too take at least 200 hours of work to complete and are masterpieces.


The traditional Vordernberger  costume worn by the ladies dates back to the days of the hammer lords.


The gold bonnet group is a must at every traditional event   , the bonnets are exceptionally beautiful and the ladies work hard to keep this tradition alive.




Tourismus Vordernberg, Tel. +43(0)3849-206, Mail gde@vordernberg.steiermark.at